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The collective understanding of the image is derived from its seemingly static characteristics. It appears to be created in an instant and endures over time to testify to the reality of what has happened. A more conscious and careful dissection allows us to discern how the image is actually a changing construction that transforms over time based on the deterioration of a physical record, in this case, a photograph. Factors such as the order of those being portrayed, the context, format, etc., alter this supposed reality, which is being edited and filtered through the eye of who is capturing the image, generating a fiction that we consume as real.

In the case of domestic images, the fictional elements are often more evident. Those portrayed are arranged and placed in a specific manner, objects are moved, the setting is altered to create a staged scene, which ultimately aims to present a pristine and artificial version of reality that is mostly detached from everyday life. The reality of the domestic realm is distant from these fictions and delves mostly into the private scene, where the sedimentation of the unwanted generates the image of our daily life, far from what is public and ideal.
“Remanente 869366” originates from a domestic photograph acquired in a commercial setting, separated from the innate fiction of its original context. Through the use of this image, the piece seeks to capture the domestic by using what is unwanted and undesirable, like dust. The addition of layers of grime on a rug creates a hazy image with noise and texture, distant from what is commonly conceived as domestic.
Dust on rug


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