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The starting point of this exploration is the acquisition of family archive material from a commercial setting, where the physical record of a memory or an event starts being an object with transactional value. Given this context, it is understood that photography loses its ritualistic value, alongside its delicate and fragile characteristics, innate to the family context where the image was originally captured. That is why this exercise aims to recover a few of the typical aspects of domesticity through the translation of the information consigned in the photograph to a traditionally domestic language such as embroidery. This translation generates a blurry image that is incomplete and lacks definition, broadening the possibilities for interpretation.   

Cross stitch embroidery  


Trapitos al sol (2020-2023) 


Trapitos al sol I (2020-2023) 


Trapitos al sol II (2020-2023) 

Trapitos al sol III (2020-2023) 

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