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In social and political movements the “crowd” or in other terms, the conglomerate of people, has been assigned a homogeneous identity that prevents the distinction of individuals. Historically, the official records qualify and quantify these groups with a faceless and unifying amalgam identity. These records have been nurtured by the unofficial and secretive testimonies kept hidden in domestic and private environments, reinforcing the secondary and peripheral role imposed on domesticity during social revolutions and historical junctures.

In the domestic context, social movements are documented by the registration of everyday events, not through data but rather by the slight alterations in everyday life. Regarding individuals in social movements, domesticity has registered them in a particular way, preserving their individual identities, given that they are remembered through affection ties. A clear example of this are the protests for the victims of enforced disappearances in the Colombian armed conflict, it is not all of us as a society marching for those who are still missing but rather those who knew them, those who remember them through domestic objects, such as photographs, while society and history only remember nameless victims, without a face or simply a number.


In this case, domesticity takes an active role in social movements, counting the reported victims of eye mutilations (82) and victims who lost their lives (23) by the hands of official government forces during the protests of 2021 by the use of a traditionally domestic language like cross stitch embroidery. This record is made up by a pair of eyes pattern, when repeated the notion of unicity is altered creating a single body with several mutilated eyes.


Cross stitch embroidery 

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